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Leatherleaf Mahonia

Mahonia bealeii


Height - 5 feet

Width - 4 feet

Plant Type


Adapted shrub

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Part to full shade

Other common names

Beale's Barberry,
Grape Holly

Save Water   Low water required
More Color   Fragrant yellow flowers in late winter/early spring
Attract Wildlife   Birds eat the berries
Reduce Maintenance   Leaves are pointy, but little maintenance needed
Texas Tough    Drought tolerant & considered evergreen in our climate

Interesting Facts

Fragrant clusters of yellow flowers in late winter/early spring.  These serve as an early nectar source for bees.  These flowers eventually give way to blue berries that birds eat.  Although leaves are pointy and difficult to handle, they give a unique texture to the landscape and do not need maintenance very often.  Is considered an invasive species in some parts of the U.S., but not in our area.

Leatherleaf Mahonia in Frisco

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