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'Lynn's Legacy' Sage

Leucophyllum langmaniae 'Lynn's Legacy'


Height - 5 feet

Width - 5 feet

Plant Type


Native shrub,
"Texas Superstar"

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Full sun

Other common names

Cenizo 'Lynn's Legacy,' Lynn's Legacy,
Lowrey's Legacy,
Lynn's Superstar

Save Water   Low water required
More Color   Pale purple flowers with pale evergreen foliage
Attract Wildlife   A magnet for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds
Reduce Maintenance   Smaller size means less pruning is necessary
Texas Tough    'Lynn's Legacy' is considered a Texas Superstar Plant!

Interesting Facts

Named after Lynn Lowrey, a renowned Texas horticulturist.  He actually discovered this cultivar growing on a Texas roadside.  This plant blooms most frequently of all the Texas Sage varieties, and is not dependent on humidity or weather conditions.  Ages gracefully, meaning it does not take on the "leggy" appearance that many other Texas Sage varieties develop as they get older.

'Lynn's Legacy' Sage in Frisco

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